Friday, September 14, 2018

Finally Friday

Tonight is the home-game opener of the local high school.  They've been on the road for the past three Friday nights, and grandson Zach is a trombone player in the band.    I'll be heading to the stadium shortly.  It's Friday Night Football!

Thankfully, the temps are fairly moderate, at least for Louisiana.  At kickoff, it's predicted to be 87F with 75% humidity.  Not a bad night to sit in the stands.

Several years ago, when I was working as Resource Officer at my alma mater, I spent a lot of nights in the stadium that were much worse.  One night, we had a tropical depression overhead and the coaches declined to call it off.  It was 90 degrees and raining sideways.  Sometimes it would rain from the east, sometimes from the west.  I turned my security detail loose early, simply because, except for the teams, we were the only ones in the stadium.  All of the spectators had wisely un-assed the stadium for drier locations.  Gawd, it was miserable.

Friday Night Football.  I"ll guarantee that no one will take a knee when the band plays the national anthem.


Judy said...

LOL - I remember Homecoming half-time one year we had a windstorm, mud balls, hail, rain coming in sideways and lighting all in that 30 minutes. Then it cleared back-off and we finished getting bug-stomped. (We couldn't play football to save ourselves, but we were very good at basketball.)

Old NFO said...

Enjoy it! Hometown football is a good time!