Friday, January 05, 2024

Winter Storm

 The metal roof on the shop tells me that it is raining outside, and a look at the weather map tells me that Arkansas is getting hit with ice, wintry mix, and snow.  Which is yet another reason that I don't live in Arkansas. The temps here are expected to stay above freezing, but this a winter storm for us, just like for those points north.

I was at the fed store earlier this morning, filling propane bottles.  Propane is the heating mechanism for the shop and it normally takes two bottles a week.  One fellow in line for propane asked me if I had ever considered a pot-bellied stove and I replied that it sounded like a good idea, but that it would require me to lay in firewood.  And cut a hole in my roof, which I object to.  I know that there are workarounds, but propane is one of those workarounds.

Belle and I are out here every day, generally from 8:00 - 4:00.  The vast majority of the coking we do is out here, to the point that I will turn on the stove in the house occasionally just to make sure it still works.  We are generally cozy out here.  Friends and family know not to go to the house if they drop by, we're in the shop.

The rain is getting heavier on the roof.  Hopefully, this rain will help to fill the pond, which is still down from the summer drought.  I am not complaining about the rain. We still need it.


Termite said...

If/when one of your 18,000 BTU AC window units die, consider a 24,000 btu mini-split heat pump AC.

We put two 36,000 btu units in the EAA clubhouse, and they work great.

Justin_O_Guy said...

A 250 gallon tank with a wet line so you can refill your bottles is a cost containing move,imo. Since propane heats the house and runs the dryer and burns in the brazing/cutting torch, I kinda had to get that tank.

Ryan said...

Up here in the PNW it’s fairly common for people to heat with propane. They usually get a really big propane tank. A service drives out with a truck every so often to fill it up. Might be something to look into instead of lugging 5 gallon tanks to the hardware store every other week.