Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The Labyrinth

 I started this morning exploring the labyrinth of quasi governmental agencies that ostensibly exist to spur economic activity in a given area.  You know, Chamber of Commerce, that sort of thing.

It amazes me that of the agencies I have called this morning, no one is available to answer a phone.  It's a matter of claim if the messages I've left will be returned as phone calls. We'll see, but I'm not holding my breath.


BobF said...

Tried the VA for medical lately? My record is leaving 4 messages (no human EVER answers that department's phone) to get a callback. Today I placed my second message for an appointment in imaging. The first was Wednesday of last week.

Good luck on yours and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

If you want a real exercise in frustration call the IRS. I placed dozens of calls to them over the Covid checks thing. The one time I actually got through, after waiting over an hour, she took all my info but couldn’t do anything as their computer was down. Please call back tomorrow!!

Every one of these departments should be either eliminated or replaced with new staff. They serve the people. That is the job. And that starts with answering the phone and reading the emails.


Anonymous said...

Is a jobs/work program for the welfare class. Government employees cannot function in the regular workplace - ask anyone who has hired one. They're literal retards.