Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Hollywood Buck

 So, there was this jazzbo who posted a picture of a big buck he had taken.  He's thrilled, can't conatin himself, so he posts the picture on social media.

Problem is, people know this buck.  It's called the Hollywood buck because it lives in a local cemetery, the Hollywood cemetery, and the guy's story doesn't add up. Locals are outraged.

Charges are pending.  Rightfully so.  It seems that lots of people knew this buck, who had a very distinctive rack.  It appears that the guy poached the deer then put it on social media.

I hunted whitetail deer for many decades, but was never smitten with the idea of trophy hunting.  I would not pass up a nice buck, but generally my quota was satisfied with the hunt and the meat.  Guys who are trophy hunters have a vastly different motivation that I'm not sure I understand.  I'm not against trophy hunting, I simply don't totally understand it.  It's stories like this that give trophy hunting a bad rap, and guys who would poach deer simply for the notoriety deserve all the condemnation we can muster.


Anonymous said...

There was a roadkill deer a couple years ago sitting by the divider on a 2-lane highway. Big rack on it. Sat there for 2 days, then the 3rd day, someone had come and taken the whole head off of it, left the rest of the carcass on the roadside.

Old NFO said...


Steve Ronin said...

It is a shame. I'm semi-local to that area, and folks from that neighborhood treated that buck like a pet. Twas a beautiful animal. I hope jackwagon enjoys his prison time, etc. But it truly is a double shame for the sheer negativity it brought to hunting.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

THe good news is that the whippersnapper that got the deer will have his day-in-court. Unless there are witnesses willing to testify or video footage of his sneaking in and dragging-out, I don't know how the State can make its case that he poached it.

From the account I read, the case seems to be based on the fact that the pictures of the deer were taken after the sun-set. As far as I know, it is not illegal to take pictures of deer at night, even in Ohio.

I think it will take more than circumstantial evidence to convict the hunter.

MattB said...

My dad always said you can't eat antlers!!