Friday, December 15, 2023

Clutch Those Pearls

Our favorite candidate was doing stand-up last week.  An interviewer asked him if he would become a dictator, and he said only on the first day.  Now, the Los Angeles Times is editorializing that Trump wants to be the first dictator.  And, one again, they would be wrong.

The first US dictator, by any measurable standard was a Republican named Lincoln, who suspended habeas corpus and deployed US troops on our national soil. History has dealt quite favorably with Lincoln, and I an an admirer, but we must remember that he jailed political rivals, strong-armed Congress, and ignored the Supreme Court.

Now, Newsweek is saying that Trump might turn off the internet if he is elected.

What a boon that would be to the First Amendment.  Newspapers would have to crank up their presses, delivering papers to doors every morning, and folks would check the evening news to get the latest scoop. That is the way we got our news the first fifty years of my life. Our local paper is a moribund shell of its old self, because so many people get the news like I do, from the internet.

I predict a furniture boom in fainting couches. A revival of the smelling-salts industry. Gutenberg building new presses. Loggers fully employed cutting trees for paper.  Trump is about to make America great again.


Old NFO said...

LOL, gotta love the loonie left...

Xoph said...

Lincoln went with rule of man over rule of law and got away with it. We are in rather the same circumstances today and have been for a while.

Trump did a very poor job of draining the swamp the first time. There is no better candidate for this election. I would rather like to see him as a dictator for more than a day and to do a much better job than his first term. Most the states need cleaning up as well. Certainly Congress and the Senate. Shut down more than a few gov't departments and pare down the rest.