Friday, December 22, 2023

Cedar Waxwing

 Cedar Waxwings are pretty little birds.  I use the plural, because I've never seen on, they come in flocks.  Generally, between 30 and 100 birds, they migrate from somewhere up north and get here generally around Christmas.

Sitting on the porch this morning, drinking coffee, I saw a flock fly past my acre.  Once again, they have made the trip and reminded an old man that time can be marked in many ways.  When I was a young boy, we knew that the appearance of the Cedar Waxwings meant that the Robins would be along soon.


RD said...

One of my favorite bird. We have a model of one on our Christmas Tree,.

Old NFO said...

I hadn't thought about them in years! But, yes, harbingers of the robins!

Glypto Dropem said...

We had a bunch of them in the pine tree in front of the firehouse this past summer. I would open the bays, grab my folding chair and binoculars, and spend a couple of hours just watching them.

Robert said...

I had never seen one in the flesh until 12(?) descended in a "flash mob" onto the tree directly outside the window I was mindlessly staring out of. WOW! They were little winged Vikings devouring the berries of the tree. Haven't seen them in years since. I keep hoping.