Friday, June 28, 2019

Notes From The Coffee Pot

The weather weenies tell us that it's hot in the Deep South.  During the summer.  We have a chance of a pop-up thunderstorm later today.    That's the standard weather pattern across the whole south for four months of every year.  In summertime, it's easy to be a weather-weenie.

DeBlasio quoted Che yesterday in Miami.  That didn't win him any votes.

The Democrat clown-car show continues.  I'm not linking any particular story. Take your pick.  I  probably won't pay much attention to this rolling debacle for the next several months.  Except, of course, to ridicule some of the more bone-headed ideas.

Belle is tracking a revolver on Grabagun.  She is a .32 fan, and a revolver fan, and she wants this one as soon as it is available.  Evidently there is a HUGE demand for this revolver.

I have to get some stuff done, so you'll excuse me.  I want to get it done before the hear of the day.

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