Saturday, June 22, 2019

Kansas Day 2

No photos today, we were shooting the whole day and I went to the seventh round.  We finished (Belle, Zach, and I) at about 2:0 so we packed up and went back tot he room.  We stopped by a tiny liquor store in this tiny town to see if we could find some of Belle's favorite wine.  The owner thanked us for coming to town, (we were still dressed in gunfighter garb), and I asked him if he had any interesting bourbons.

He walked around the counter and picked up a battle of Weller Antique 107.  I had never tried it, so I told him I'd take it.  He said that his distributor got it very infrequently, and that he only had two bottles.  I dismissed that as retail marketing.  Good retail marketing.  The price was $50.00, which is more than I usually pay for bourbon, but we are on vacation, and this is a special bottle, so I paid the tarrif.

We got back to the room and I did a Google search.  Evidently, this is much better whiskey than I suspected.  Retail prices are all over, from $30.00 to $300.00 with the vast majority in the $100 range. Some reviewers compare it to "Poor Man's Pappy", a blend that came out several years ago to try and replicate Pappy Van Winkle.

I'll take this one home, unopened, and sample it at leisure.


Old NFO said...

Interesting find!

greggBC said...

Now I need to know where that was so I could go buy the other Bottle.