Thursday, May 24, 2018

New Blood Pressure Guidelines

According to the UPI, the blood pressure guidelines are about to change, and as many as one-third of US adults may need medication under the new regime.
The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association redefined high blood pressure at 130/80 in November, down from the previous level of 140/90, based on new evidence supporting a lower threshold.
My gal, who has been a registered nurse for many years, firmly believes that this sort of thing is a cabal of doctors and pharmaceutical companies simply to sell pills.  She maintains that the numbers she saw when she began nursing were much higher than they are today, and those numbers, generally across the board, caused no real problems.  But, she says, as ad doctors became pill-pushers and pharmaceutical companies learned how very profitable that lower numbers could be, the numbers started dropping so that doctors could sell more pills.

I'm sure that all this can be explained by good science, but just exactly how long do they expect us to live, anyway?


Judy said...

The same issue with cholesterol levels. When I went to school to be a lab tech back in the early 70's the norms were 250 to 350. Taking all those statins don't help your longevity either. And my personal opinion is, statins and low-fat diets could be part of the rise in Alhimezers and other dementias because the brain and other nerves need a fat coating to function.

Rivrdog said...

...and the same thing with the Diabetes "Industry", which lowered DMT-2 onset blood glucose numbers from 130 mg/dl to 105 mg/dl (" pre-diabetes") to sell Metformin.