Friday, February 07, 2025

Superb Owl

Watching Democrats freak out is becoming my morning news break.  I understand that the big freak out this morning is the idea that the Department of Education may be on the chopping block as we discussed yesterday.  There is no doubt that some f the money spent by Dept Edu is worthwhile, but much of it is administered by local officials in school districts across the country.  The program that administers the lunch program is probably the most visible of the good programs. It used to be run by the Dept of Agriculture, but nowadays is part of the Edu purse.

However, many of the past programs like No Child Left Behind, or Common Core, were bureaucratic nightmares and almost impossible to administer.  It didn't help that the Edu folks seemed to be intent on dragging the goalpost up and down the field.

I am reminded that this weekend is the national holiday that I am calling Superb Owl.  It involves two groups of men chasing a weird ball o a marked field. I have nothing against this holiday, and indeed have some remarkable history with it.  I met Belle at a Superb Owl party in 2001.

Y'all enjoy the game, if that is your  jam.  I'll be doing other things.


Angus McThag said...

The libs have been sowing discontent at colleges, whose association with DoE is legislative, like the DoE is being disbanded tomorrow and all those federal loans they depend on will evaporate instantly.

Because my wife works at a small college I've been trying to make sense of it and it looks like what's actually on the chopping block are decades of executive things that are almost exclusively K-12 "what about the children?" bullshit social engineering.

Kinda makes you wonder why the left is trying to get people thinking this is gonna kill colleges when it's K-12 that's in the sights, don't it.

Anonymous said...

Our local school districts (Texas) use the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday to stage a 'teacher development day', ostensibly to recover from what they consumed the day before. No students go to class.

BobF said...

I've heard a rumor that there is some sporting event coming up, but I'll be darned if I remember what it was. Can't be too important, at least not to me. Now crawfish season opening is quite another matter!!! I've already used the 4 packages I got from Opelousas a few weeks ago! And again thanks for those links! The sausage and boudin were good too. :-)

juvat said...

I'll confess. My first read through of this post got me thinking you were cooking a Cajun meal, something with an Owl in it. I was expecting the recipe. Then...Ding, Ding! Da Light she went on!
Well executed, my Friend, well executed!

Old NFO said...

I'm watching the commercials. :-)

Anonymous said...

I don’t care a ton about football but as I grow older I enjoy some good ole cliche Americana.

Anonymous said...

Hubby was going to super bowl party and his friend picked him up so he asked our resident football nut which college's were playing.