Reloading ammo is a huge cost savings and many of us enjoy had-crafted ammo f or better accuracy, cost savings and more range time. Running a Cowboy Fast Draw club, I buy a lot of shotgun primers for the club and sanctioned events. If any of you are buying primers in bulk, eventually you will run into something that looks like this.
That box contains 10,000 shotshell primers. Not in nice boxes, but in trays of 1000. They look something like this.
That is one tray of 1000 primers, all neatly in their little holes. The big box holds 10 trays like that, but tray number 1, on top, always gets bobbled in shipment and comes out looking lie tis.
Pain in the butt. You have to take all the trays out of the box and find the loose primers that got rattled out of their tray during shipment. I've never lost a primer, I've always been able to fill all the little holes, but it's just part of a large primer shipment.
Gah... I HATE loose primers...
Hello primer factory? Have you heard about plastic wrap?
PS. How much does 10k primers cost?
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