Thursday, February 13, 2025

Nitrogen Hypoxia

 CBS News is reporting that Louisiana has scheduled its first execution in 12 years, settling the debate over lethal injection.  The method used will be nitrogen hypoxia.

There are technically three execution methods approved in Louisiana. Lethal injection is the default method, and electrocution and nitrogen hypoxia are alternatives. State legislators last year authorized nitrogen hypoxia, an experimental procedure tried just four times before in the nation's recorded history, as a means to execute death row prisoners. Their decision came shortly after Alabama introduced the method to the public in January 2024, during the controversial and disputed execution of Kenny Smith, whose death was described by several witnesses, including reporters, as potentially torturous.

Nitrogen is an inert gas, composing the majority of the atmosphere we breathe. 


Termite said...

Paramedics tell me that a massive fentanyl overdose would be painless and very fast.

Rick T said...

Anyone who has been through Confined Space Entry training knows the hazards of hypoxia, and especially that it is a silent killer, the victim just falls asleep without knowing what is happening.

If the subject is screaming in 'pain' they are faking things for the anti-execution audience. IMO the operators behind the scene should never signal when they shift the mask from room air to pure N2 so any histrionics displayed before the switch will be exposed as the fraud they are.

Anonymous said...

I don't get all the fuss?
We've decided as a society this person committed a heinous act evil enough to pay for it with their life. We've conducted a trial by jury, various appeals, etc. While the debate about corporal punishment is still valid, if you've come to terms with killing the person, why does the method have to be so sanctimoniously white?
You're KILLING THEM, ON PURPOSE, FOR THE EVIL SHIT THEY'VE DONE?!?! I would think the more painful and horrific the better! Pour encourage autere's, or some such french nonsense.
That IS the point to all government punishment, to discourage future would-be criminals from conducting the same activity.
Gee, I _would_ like to go with you and knock over that liquor store with my pistol, but that gets the death penalty in this state, I don't think I want to do that...
It works! Honest. Ask Dubai and Saudi Arabia why they don't have a big drug problem... cuz they kill 'em! Chop their heads off. Pretty effective deterrent, turns out.