Like many of you, I've been watching the first three weeks of the new administration and I've come to believe that President Trump is tackling issues that I like to call 70/30 issues. Issues that a vast majority of Americans want to see solved.
Immigration, for example. I believe that 70% of Americans want something done about immigration. Like him or hate him, but President Trump is doing something, and most Americans are on his side.
Likewise, government waste. Most Americans are tired of government, and Elon Musk with his merry band of tech wizards are opening the books and making recommendations to curb waste.
Just yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order to bring us back to plastic drinking straws. I think he is trolling the left, but many Americans believe that paper straws are simply silly. Yet, some Democrats are losing their minds.
So, the Democrats are now for paper straws, illegal immigration, and government waste. These are 70/30 issues, and they are on the wrong side. Still, they wonder why they lost.
If Elon Musk was sincerely trying to find savings he would be bringing auditors and accountants. He is bringing young computer programmers. His goals are to get information from the government and to break our institutions in ways that will better serve him and his elitist tech buddies.
Not so, Anonymous. A program can find much more than an auditor can. I did this kind of work and the records were are all computerized. I could use Access or Excel (and I was good at it) and find all kinds of savings but a program can do it much faster. We just did not have the ability to write programs for this process. I dealt with 2-3 hundred thousand records monthly. I bet these guys have a lot more than that. Computer is the way to go.
Also, It seems a lot of the information they are searching for is not the dollar value but various bits of information that have been left off the paperwork. Much easier to find with a program.
Finding a null field is easy.
I audited files on closed loans. Houses, apt. complexes, tour buses and so many others things. The amount of fraud is mind boggling. But I could do 8/10 per day with a paper file. Write a program and that goes to a thousand a day or even 10k. Been out now for 15 years and it was an education in the workings of somewhat ordinary people.
Of course the records are electronic. Incidentally I do government (not federal) financial stuff for a living. Computers programmers don’t have the education, skills or specialization to do the work they are claiming to do.
Stretching like that, without warming up, will create muscle tears.
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