Thursday, February 06, 2025


 The Democrats are losing their minds over Elon Musk and his group of data wizards who are shining raw sunlight on the spending in the US government. Very questionable spending, contrary to the wishes of most citizens.  We don't want money spent on gender issues here in the US, much less in Tanzania.

In 1961, Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act and President John Kennedy subsequently established USAID by executive order. What can be established by executive order can be dissolved by executive order, and it appears that President Trump has done so.  Perfectly legal.

While I agree with the idea that Congress controls the purse strings, I also agree that an executive should be able to pause some expenditures to make sure that they comport with the interests of the United States.

I also believe that elections have consequences, and we elected Donald Trump to make changes. Prograns come and programs go.  If that were not true, we would still have the CCC program.

If you really want to start a hissy-fit, look into the formation of the US Department of Education.  You can believe that our president is looking into it.  I'm not sure that Congress had anything to do with that or not.  If it can be created by executive fiat, it can be dissolved by executive fiat.


Old NFO said...

Another Jimmy Carter policy in 1979. So not congressional!!!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter was a good, giving man. He was just Not qualified to run anything with this much power. DOE has been a disaster from day one and then came common core and piled more nonsense on top then the killing blow covid/dei about finished our school systems. I think today would be the perfect day to pee in their corn flake bowl. Just so, you know, to be able to enjoy the football game. LOL