Thursday, April 04, 2024

Cool Snap

 We awoke to temps in the low 40s this morning, a beautiful spring day, sunny and pleasant.

Yesterday, piddling int he shop, I tripped over a propane beater and wondered if I should put it away.  I figured that I might need it again, so I left it in the middle of the floor, and I'm glad I did that.  With this mornings temps, in the shop, I lit it when I walked inthe door.

That little heater is made by Mr. Heater, and you can find then anywhere.  I bought two at Lowe's a couple of years ago. My shop is a 40'X50' with 10' eaves.  I calculate that I have 25,000 cubic feet of air in the building. Even in the depths of winter, when the temps got into the low 20s, two of these heaters would knock the chill off the building in a half-hour.

I'm hoping that this is the last cool snap of the year, and that we can soon hang up the flannel and opt for short sleeves.  The heaters will be taken off the propane bottles and stored for next year.  Then, I'll have to start running the AC units. I'll exchange a propane bill for an electric bill.

At some point very soon, the weather will be pleasant enough that I use neither, and simply roll up the big door, air out the place and let Mother Nature decide the temps.  That period never lasts long in Louisiana.


Old NFO said...

Not unless you like heat and humidity... LOL

Anonymous said...

doesn't last long in tx either...i'm enjoying the hell out these last few 40-50 degree mornings because by May they will be 70-80 degree mornings...and those suck, especially when that gulf moisture heads this way...