Monday, December 05, 2011

Laundering Money?

It seems that it's against the law to launder money for a criminal enterprise, yet the DEA has been laundering money for Mexican drug cartels.

We don't need one special prosecutor, we need several of them.

The Justice Department is so corrupt, it could rightly be called a criminal enterprise.


Old NFO said...

WHEREINHELL does it end??? Or does it??? And where is the MSM on this? If this had been under Bush we'd NEVER hear the end of it!

Anonymous said...

What was the DEA thinking? The ATF runs guns, it's the IRS that launders money. They need to stick to drugs.

drjim said...

And I just heard something on "Cam & Company" last night that the State Department has an arrangement with Mexico to directly sell them guns for their military.
Only thing is that 26% of the guns turn up "missing"!
And we're worried about Gunwalker???