Saturday, May 02, 2009

Saturday mowing

70 degrees, 70% humidity. It's nice outside, but you can almost swim through the air. It's a standard springtime morning in central Louisiana and PawPaw is mowing the grass. Taking a break between lawn mowers. I use a push mower for ditches and edges, it takes me about two hours to use the push mower. When I finish this glass of tea I'll go outside and start the riding mower.

It takes longer to do the trim work than it takes to mow the rest of my acre. I'll be done in another hour and I can piddle away the rest of the day. I'll get the grandsons later this afternoon. Let them swim for a while, then feed them supper.

Tomorrow we've got a big shindig at the church. It's an old-time homecoming, where we'll eat a picnic lunch on the grounds.

If you're not busy, join us.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Ah yes.. Spring in Louisiana... Better known as basting in your own juices! Enjoy the homecoming!