We made it home safe, getting to our acre sometime around 8:00 last eve. It was a great weekend, spending time with our shooting family.
That may seem like hyperbole, but the Cowboy Fast Draw community is a close-knit bunch, focusing on safety and fun before competition. In most cases, the competition is stiff, but a shooter will generally call a rule violation on themselves, or if there is a question about fairness. I've seen individual matches stop and reset if the shooter that is ahead feels like he or she may have gained an unfair advantage.
I had a problem rear its ugly head this weekend, something the CFDA call a "boot shot". That is when a shooter trips the trigger before the gun has cleared the holster. We shoot wax bullet ammo, and have deflectors on our holsters, so it generally causes no injury, but we still consider it a safety violation. It caused me to lose three matches this weekend. I need to re-work my draw so that I can stay off the trigger until the gun is level. We go fast, but shooting the floor is considered un-cool. I need to work on that, and I'll start that proto
Catching up on the news, I see that the Midwest and Deep South suffered major tornado damage this weekend, with upwards of 40 souls lost. That is both a community an individual tragedy, and I'll pray for the hand of a loving God to sooth the hurting.
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