Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Campus Jihad

 So, in the wake of anti-Semitic activities at Columbia University, it seems that ICE has arrested one protestor, a Syrian on a student visa, and is holding him in a facility in Louisiana.

That seems a bit harsh, moving him to Louisiana, but I'm okay with it. Other students are planning walk-outs in support.

I taught at the college level for a couple of years, Into to Law Enforcement, very basic stuff. I was never faced with protests, but I was asked once how I would deal with a student missing a test.

"That is simple", I replied. "If you miss a test, you get a zero for that test.  The only excuse I will accept is if I happen to look out the classroom window and watch you get run down by a garbage truck.  But, I will also require documentation from the emergency room that treats you."

If students want to protest, let them protest.  It is their right.  But, I would schedule a major exam on those days to help them choose.


Anonymous said...

Harsh? The derpbag should’ve been beheaded on the spot.

Anonymous said...

I currently teach a college class. I had scheduled an exam and had a student ask for an exemption because he had to leave for a drill (Reserve) weekend. I told him no problem, just have your First Sergeant sign off on an excuse for you....😁 Guess who took the test on time?