Sunday, March 23, 2025


 A top Houthi official says that "we are at war with America".  I don't know if that constitutes a formal declaration, but if I were he, I'd be careful with my verbiage.

The Houthis have been messing with our boats, and a cursory study of history shows that the US is generally hostile when a foreign power touches our boats.  Ask Japan how that worked out for them.  Or, recall that the whole "shores of Tripoli" thing was about our boats.

Many say that Iran is pushing the Houthis to touch the boats.  I admit that I am torn about the Iranians'.  I had a dear friend, back in the 70s, who was an Iranian army officer.  He was in the Shah's army, back when the Shah ran the place.  He was a professional officer and a good friend.  He was funny as hell, had a good sense of humor, with a lovely wife and young daughter.  We had much in common.  Professional, kind, generous to a fault, I learned a lot from him.  He hated communists.

But, I digress.  If he is still alive, he did not fare well under the Mullahs.  The Houthis claim that they are at war with us, and I'm not sure what legal status that places upon us.  Not that we care.  Don't touch our boats.


Anonymous said...

If studying US military history has taught me one thing it would be not to mess with America’s boats.

Old NFO said...

They may not 'like' our response...just sayin...

Anonymous said...

I had good friends in college who were Iranian. This was my freshman year, 1978-79. A lot of them were from extremely rich families. The day after Carter caused the Shah to fall, a quarter of the student body was gone, never to be seen again. I’ve never met an Iranian since.

If the Houthis want war, let’s bring it. A 3 day weekend should be enough. Completely eradicate them all from the face of the world, without any warning. And don’t tell any Dems or Rinos this time ( thinking if you Teddy and that traitor John “reporting for doody” fukface keery ).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Son in high school had 2 Iranian young men that he was good friends with them and the older sister who was in charge. Father, rich and high ranking, got them out right before the fall. Put them in a state with excellent schooling facilities and put the money to keep them + a good deal more and instructed all of them to NEVER EVER set foot in Iran again. Father was able to come and see them one time but Iran wouldn't let mother make the trip.

juvat said...

They said “They are at war with America”. Pretty much exactly what the Japanese said on 12/7/41. Good enough for me. Let’s show them what war really is.