For the State of Louisiana, Governor Jindal is in emergency mode, preparing for the worst and lining up state resources. I know personally of a buddy of mine who has been activated in the Guard, and the deputies in our agency have been told to stay by the phone in case we're needed to assist in any way.
This is the big story for Louisiana for the next several days, and whatever Obama and McCain might do or not do is of piddling concern. We've been through hurricanes before and the residents of Louisiana are very good at hunkering down if they're given the heads-up.
Of course, this storm might miss us entirely, but it's going to hammer somebody and the indications are that it's going to be a big one.
To my favorite bloggers on both corners of South Louisiana, the Oyster and Mostly Cajun. Get ready. Be safe. Hunker down.
New Orleans (french for 'toilet'?) is going to take it in the ass again, and deservedly so.
Hey, Ted. Comments like that are totally unnecessary. Deservedly so? I don't even want to know what you mean about that.
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