In 2014 I put up a Martin house that my dad had on his place. After he died in 2007, and Mom was making some changes on the family property, she asked me if I wanted Dad's Martin house. I did. It had stood beside the trailer for a decade of longer and the trailer was leaving the property, so the Martin house needed a new home.
Last year, the Martin house fell after a storm, and the impact shook everything loose in the house. My elder son and I performed an autopsy and decided that we could rehab it. The internals were made out of the same material that yard signs are made of, and I had some yard signs left over from my political campaign. So, we used those.
In a couple of hours, we had it back together and strapped to a fence post in the back yard. The Martins won't get here until March, but the scouts will find it in February and lead the other in. I like watching them fly, and hearing their warbles. Dad's Martin house is ready for another decade of service.
Love it! I put up a few of those plastic gourd things... some fly by in the area, but haven't nested in them yet.
It's the little things like the Martin house that bring back memories and stories to share with the next generation. Doesn't have to be a big, fancy inheritance.
That is wonderful! Thank you for spreading such happiness. I wish I had more heirlooms of my parents, but I surely cherish those I have. Denis from the GC.
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