Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Finished For Now - and Comments

 I got the tool box mounted on the tractor this morning.  Not as difficult as I imagined.  Lots of measure and fit, taking my time to get it close to right.  We weren't building a watch, we were modifying a tractor to make it a bit more useful.

That's better, now I can store a few tools and expendables.  The fact that the box matches the tractor is simply fortuitous.

Now, let's address a few comment.  First, Juvat says:

I envy your skill set. Apparently, well done!

Not so fast!  My skill set is Southern Rural.  I know my way around a wrench, and I understand that friends and family have good ideas.  I didn't weld, I didn't do much, but bounce ideas off folks I trust.  My buddy, Jay, runs a machine shop.  My second son is an ace mechanic.  I bounced ideas off both of them before I got started.

Next, Don said:

The seal idea - Brilliant!

 Yes, it is, and I wish I could claim it.  I found that idea surfing YouTube.  I am convinced that YouTube is one of the greatest educational assets in the history of mankind.  We have to separate the wheat from the chaff, but if you start searching YouTube, you will find an answer to your problem.

Old NFO said in an earlier comment:

I just hope the PTO isn't locked up.

Nope, we're golden.  I checked it yesterday.  I am convinced that it has never been used, though. 


juvat said...

OK then...We DO have similar skill sets!


Matt said...

Good job, pawpaw! Looks like youve got it going your way.

Old NFO said...

Glad to hear the PTO is okay! And nice job of mounting the box!