Saturday, January 27, 2018


I see on Instapundit that Elon Musk has tickled the intertubes by threatening to sell flamethrowers.

Quelle horreur!  Flamethrowers?  Actually, most people believe that it would be perfectly legal.

It's a high-tech looking gizmo, but Musk wants $600 for his model.  I don't think it would be good for home defense, but it would make  get-off-my-lawn statement.  Of course, for that, you could just buy a propane torch for a whole lot less money.

But, hey!  If Musk wants to sell flamethrowers, I'm okay with it.


Old NFO said...

Yeah, but the propane torch doesn't have the 'cool' factor... Snerk...

Anonymous said...

Her name is Vera! It is my very favorite gun. -Jayne Cobb