Monday, July 29, 2024


 Listening to talk radio this morning, I'm hearing outrage over the Olympic opening, where drag queens mocked the Last Supper.  Oh, it's full-throated outrage.

So, I have to ask myself': What would Jesus do? 

The record is clear.  Jesus was mocked, persecuted, prosecuted, condemned, and executed.  Luke 23:34 recorded that Jesus forgave them.  "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

That is good enough for me.


Anonymous said...

Archbishop Vigano, on the otherhand, takes serious offence at the immorality of it all.

Grey said...

Jesus would forgive them, maybe.

Or, flip over their table and thrash them, because they had a child with them.

Hard to say.

Termite said...

What so many of these DNC Pharisees forget, is what Jesus did to them in the Temple...He kicked their ass, and called them "white-washed sepulchers..."

Anonymous said...

"they know not what they do."
Hmm. Ya think?

BobF said...

Well, I smile a little as I read of their comms and transportation being hit. Raising the Olympic flag upside down for the world to see live on TV was just a bonus.

Javahead said...

I'm with Grey and Termite. Trashing their offices and giving them a well-merited horsewhipping sounds awfully appealing.

Anonymous said...

Oh of course they trashed Christianity. They have to appease their muzzie overlords.

Justin_O_Guy said...

The people who mistreated Jesus didn't know who he was. They learned three days later. The hard hearted who refuse to see what is perfectly obvious to some of us? Naah,, they are not forgiven.