Friday, July 05, 2024

The Morning After

 The morning after our national birthday celebration, we awaken to another hot, summer day.  The news is filled with a hurricane about to slam into the Yucatan peninsula and how long Biden will stay in the race.

There is nothing I can do about either of these issues.  However, I do understand that tonight ABC News will air an interview with our President.  That might be interesting, although I can't imagine that it will be unedited.

There are plenty of calls for the President to step aside, but I am struck by the number of pundits who have done the research and say that state laws and federal campaign laws are starting to catch up to the process, and every day that a decision is delayed makes it that much harder to change course.   Like a hurdle race where the farther you go down the track, the higher the hurdles get.  At some point it will be impossible to clear the hurdle. The campaign money is Joe's to spend, and the delegates are Joe's to keep or release.

This bleeds over to the Republican side too.  Donald Trump may well choose a running mate hased on who his opponent might be. The uncertainty of who the Democrats might eventually choose creates uncertainty everywhere.


Old NFO said...

I need more popcorn for this mess!

Anonymous said...

Once Beryl gets beyond the Yucatan it will rev up again. One projected path is due north. The entire Gulf Coast is under hurricane watch from Yucatan through Texas and over to the Florida panhandle. Be prepared, be safe.


Anonymous said...

Very nice to find out that Louisiana is now the 29th constitutional carry state. Somehow the tv newd media here in the NE missed this story completely!
