Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Red Beans

Cold, breezy day today, and I was yearning for red beans.  So, on the way home, I picked up the fixings.  You can start with dried beans and those are great  Belle is the master of dried red beans, but my recipe is quick and dirty.  About an hour from the time you start until you're eating.

Red Beans

1 lb good link sausage
1 lb good bulk sausage
3 cans (15 oz) red beans.


Cut up your sausage.  Drop the bulk sausage into a good black iron pot and fry it loosely, like hamburger.  Add link sausage and let it simmer with the bulk sausage.  Remove from fire, drain.

Add oil and flour to the pot, make a roux.  When the roux is done, add a little water.  Add beans ad sausage and turn the stove to simmer.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Make a pot of rice.  Bon apetit.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

That's the old school way! :-)