Interestingly, in this year of political trials, we see the tragic clown, Hunter Bidden on trial in a Delaware court for the offense of lying on a Form 4473 to purchase a firearm while an addict. This is patently against the law. It should be a slam-dunk for the prosecution.
One of the first pieces entered into evidence was a laptop computer, the infamous "laptop from hell" that Huter left in a computer shop. We've all heard the story. This is the same laptop that Biden apologists said was a fake, the same laptop that 51 intelligence experts claimed had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation, and the same laptop that the FBI claimed they could not find. Yet, an FBI agent sat on the witness stand and declared that this particular laptop did in fact belong to Hunter Biden and is strong evidence that Hunter was an addict during the time in question.
This is a very interesting turn. Were I the defense attorney, I would spend some time plumbing the "chain of custody" on this computer. This would be a very interesting line of questioning, and might prove useful at other trials.
Next, we turn to the jury. A collection of Delaware residents who live in a town where Biden is the favorite son. Some wags are already pointing out the fact that jury nullification is a real thing. That a jury can look at all the evidence and simply decide that the law is unreasonable on its face and refuse to convict. As a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment, some might say an absolutist, I believe that filling out a Form 4473 is an infringement. A minor infringement, but an infringement, nonetheless. So, I admit that I am conflicted on this point.
Regardless, this is an interesting case. A laptop that the FBI could not find for several years is now being used as evidence for a crime that may infringe on a basic constitutional right. The defendant is a huge sleazebag, an entitled son of a corrupt politician. I hold no sympathy for Huter Biden. I believe that he is a huge dirtbag who deserves the scorn of polite society. He is guilty in my eyes, yet it would not bother me if the jury nullified. Either way, it is a win.