Monday, April 19, 2010

Motorcycle Maintenance

Pirsig aside, motorcycles respond to knowledgeable wrenching. I took the bike out yesterday to wash it and get it ready for the season. When I charged the battery, cranked it and let it warm up, I noticed an oil leak under the transmission cover. Something called the sealing bolt was leaking oil. I turned the engine off, gave the bike a good washing and put it back into the garage.

This afternoon I got the bike out in the driveway, drained the oil, changed the filters and replaced the gasket under that sealing bolt. It was a $3.00 fix. Then I tried to start the thing and the battery is dead. Damn! The battery is two years old and I'll replace it after the next payday.

The bike is 14 years old now and occasionally I toy with the idea of a new one. I don't ride nearly as much as I used to, and my old bike still starts, runs, and takes me where I want to go. In ten more years, it'll be a classic.


Old NFO said...

If it ain't broke... :-)

Termite said...


I like your older version of the Goldwing better than the new ones. They are just HUGE.

I enjoy my ZR-7S; it's light and handy, yet good for a few hours on the road; and FUN when the road gets a bit curvy.
BTW, you haven't seen it lately, since I "blinged" it out with trunk and saddlebags, painted to match the rest of the bike.

J said...

Like most guys, I love motorcycles. But I admit I'm too danged old for babes and bikes. A wreck on either would put a 67 year old body out of action for a long, long time.

Speaking of a long, long time . . . have y'all seen a recent photo of Linda Ronstadt? It'll break your heart. . . .