Thursday, February 15, 2024

Its been a rough week!!! Mistakes were made!!!!

Water math.  It is a thing.

A video from my elder son's YouTube channel. He lives on family property and is caretaking it for us. Recently he had a horrendous water bill and set out to find the problem. So, he and second son broke out the excavator and started doing the detective work.

Both of those fellows are Water System Operators, and they each run a municipal water system as a profession.  Licensed and certified by the state of Louisiana, they are masters of the craft of bringing good water in, and bad water out.


Old NFO said...

ohhh... just a 'bit' short...

kamas716 said...

Every oops is a learning experience, for someone.

pjk said...

The perils of avoiding the "dry-fit" step....

Anonymous said...

Been there done this, minus the mud. Always buy extra connectors and maybe a spare can of the stinky purple stuff. Mark the fitting depth and push it hard till that glue sets.