Saturday, May 15, 2021

Don't Be A Target

 It seems that the IDF has razed a high rise building in Gaza that housed the intelligence arm of Hamas.  That sounds like a legitimate military target.  As it turned out, that building also held off ices of the Associated press and al-Jazeera.

The media is, of course, outraged.  They doth protest too much.

If I remember IDF protocols accurately, they probably called everyone and told them to get out, because the building was coming down.  If the AP doesn't want their offices bombed, perhaps they should seek more suitable accommodations.  Like, for example, a building that doesn't house Hamas offices.

I'm just saying.  


Anonymous said...

If I recall back in the 1970's, the PLO would hole up in high rises for the view. The top few floors would de demolished in place, so that moertar fire would be cushioned by the debris.

dogsledder said...

No warning necessary- Al Jazeera and the Associated press are on the same side as the terrorists anyway.

BobF said...

Might the AP have chosen to serve as a shield for Hamas rather than Hamas having chosen to hide behind the AP?

Small difference in result, I know, but a heck of a big difference in motivation and supposed objectivity. Hmmm, not sure I remember what "objectivity" means anymore, but I do remember shades of it.

Old NFO said...

Oh, they won't admit THAT...