So, I'm seeing all kinds of bullshit about armed protests in the run-up to the inauguration.
It's a bad idea, guys. Don't do it. For all kinds of reasons it's a horrible idea.
We're not in charge right now, and they intend to enact some form of gun control. Camera are everywhere, and anyone who shows up armed will simply add more incentive to their plans. Don't do it.
There used to be an old adage, "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight." These days the adage should be, "Don't bring a gun to a camera fight". Don't become the poster-boy for their evil plans. Our best tactic at this point is to ignore them. Let them have their party. I don't give a good screaming damn if Biden intends to hold a good, old-fashioned Roman triumph down Pennsylvania avenue.
Lets fight them in the court of public opinion. Let's start, all over again, making the argument for a strong Second Amendment. Let's talk about energy independence. Let's talk about immigration policy and good border security. Let's talk abut fiscal restraint, good education, and federalism. For that matter, we need to talk about a strong First Amendment. They are going to give us plenty to talk about, and they are going to over-step.
We're in a war of ideas, not a revolution. For myself, I intend to ignore their little party. Let them revel. This may be their high-water mark. The American Left is stronger right now than I have seen them in n my lifetime. Today they are drunk on power, but by Thursday, they start the hard work of governing. Let's not help them, but stand ready to point out every flaw, every misstep, every failure.
Let's take the House and the Senate in 2024. Make Joe Biden rue the day that he held us in contempt.
Let's not wait till 2024, lets's do it in 2022.
Oh sure, let's vote harder next time. Losers.
They STOLE a presidential election and even after discovery, they DID IT AGAIN in Georgia. Right in front of your eyes. Elections are over. They won. They are now in cahoots with Social media and the networks. A "partnership" of business and government to rule a people is the definition of Fascism. Hope you enjoy hiding all your guns in the back yard.
I agree with overstepping thought. the Left is eager to reverse was was wrought by Trump's predecessor but I think this will backfire. It will become obvious that the new administration is taking care of foreign and special interests rather than the average American who needs the help.
Illegal immigrants - why push for their increase now ? Not only is there a high number of Americans seeking work but do we need to increase COVID cases too ? Vaccine is already in short supply - will these 'new minty immigrants' receive vaccine preference over American citizens ?
i do not think talking or voting will change anything at this point.
"We're in a war of ideas, not a revolution"
No we're not. We just had the revolution sparky. It is called a Coup. The good guys lost. We are now in the consolidation phase of the totalitarian victory. The vilifying/de-platforming/suppression of your opposition is happening today. The night of long knives will begin shortly.
There are 20k soldiers in DC because the regime knows that if armed insurrection is going to happen, it will happen now. If it doesn't (and for all the big talk & gun buying, it won't)it never will. History repeats.
Study the resistance of Saint Michael . Michael Collins . The Irish know how to resist .
Sure they do. As I recall Northern Ireland is still a part of Britain.
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