Sunday, November 17, 2019

Louisiana Screws Itself

Louisiana has once again elected a Democrat governor, by the slimmest of margins.  The deep-blue urban voters came through to elect a governor that would be unacceptable as a Democrat in many areas of the country.  He's pro-choice, pro-Second Amendment, and claims to be bi-partisan.  We will see how bi-partisan he truly is, because our legislature is solidly Republican, with a super majority.  Hopefully, he won't do any more harm than the has already done.  Louisiana is shedding population, and precisely the population no state wants to shed.  The taxpayers are leaving at a prodigious rate.  I, personally, had two adult, tax-paying children leave Louisiana this past summer for better opportunities than they could find in Louisiana.  This outward migration has occurred thousands of times this year, to the tune of Louisiana population declining by some sizable percentage of the population this year.

But, the urban tax-grabbers want to elect another Democrat.

It was a close-run thing, but Louisiana should be ashamed.  Our only hope now is the Legislature.  With a super-maority, hopefully we can tamp down the excesses that the governor wants to foist upon us. 


robert orians said...

Same story across America but even worse here in the Buckeye . Our so called republican governor has embraced Bloombergs gun grabbing girls and we are about to break out in war . There is no reason to vote anymore in Ohio when the conservatives embrace full blown socialism and give us an idiot like Dewine to vote for . It's over ! Let's roll !

Anonymous said...

Watch for Soros money going into local DA and sheriff races.

raven said...

Tax payers leaving is the plan, not some unanticipated consequence- it is the "Curley Effect", a planned effort to change the balance of power.