Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Public Health

My son, who now lives in Los Alamos, NM, sends this photo.

With the caption; "This was in our yard this morning."

I told him that Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are real things, and he'd best watch out for ticks in the yard.  He agreed.  Hunting is not allowed within a certain distance of residences, but deer in the yard ain't a good idea

Still, I believe that if I saw hat in my yard, I'd be mighty tempted to poke it with a sharp stick.  You know, like comes with an 80 lb compound bow.  Those sharp sticks are very sharp.  But that's just me, and I taught my boy to comply with all game laws.  I'm just saying.


Termite said...

If bow season was open, I'd have stuck that big boy, housing subdivision or not.
He would make a lot of good chili....................

BobF said...

I'd have been very tempted to invite him into the garage for...whatever.