Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fonda Arrested

The traitor Jane Fonda was arrested yesterday in Washington D.C. while protesting global warmening climate change.  It seems... I dunno... that the ice caps are receding or something.  Maybe it's about the polar bears.  I can't keep track anymore.
A day earlier, the actress appeared with Waterston in a video focused on a discussion of a Green New Deal, a Congressional proposal for comprehensive legislation about climate change. 
So, she's going to protest climate change after flying across the country, burning hundreds of gallons of jet fuel?  If she wanted to make an impact, she could have walked across the country to the protest, rather than the craven hypocrisy of burning fossil fuels to protest the use of fossil fuels.

I'll start believing it's a problem when they start acting like it's a problem.


Sabre22 said...

Commie bitch should have been buried alive in her brother's grave

Old NFO said...

It’s only a problem for US, not for them... They will do as they wish...

zdogk9 said...

I do remember a showing of Barbarella at Camp Casey, Korea when I was stationed there, The invective from the senior NCOs was far more entertaining than Jane floating nekkid through space.