Monday, May 13, 2024


 Maybe the rain is over for a while  It started raining on Saturday afternoon, rained all day Sunday, and when I awoke this morning,  I was still hearing thunder.  In the past hour, the skies started to clear and we have sunshine on a Monday morning. That is better.  The back yard is awash, and maybe things can start to dry out.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I am fortunate to still be able to talk to my Momma.

I have a list in my pocket of errands to run.  The bank, the Post Office, the grocers.  Belle wants a homemade chili-cheese dog for lunch.  I've been with that woman for over 20 years and I've never had her ask for a hot dog for lunch.  A good hot dog is hard to beat, and they have always been one of my guilty pleasures.

Back when we were both working, there would be times when our schedules overlapped.  She'd be working and I was off.  There is a little Indian casino not far from here that had a hot dog stand inthe lobby, and they made great hot dogs. Sold them for one dollar.  Sometimes I'd drive up the road, just to get a hot dog. Or two.  It was a cheap meal that I didn't have to cook. But, I have my list in my pocket and I guess I'd better get busy.

Y'all have a great Monday.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Notes

 I was awakened last night by the god bouncing off the bedroom door.  We were having a wild and wooly thunderstorm and he doesn't like heavy weather.  I got up so that Belle could sleep and went outside to watch the light show.  It was spectacular.

Getting up this morning, I see that the tomato plants took a beating in the storm last night.  They'll be okay, and I'm looking forward to fresh, home-grown tomatoes in the coming weeks.

Scrolling through YouTube reels lately, I'm seeing something that they call First Amendment Auditors or some such nonsense.  These bozos go about filming at places that attract attention to themselves.  Then they get upset when the attention they attract is negative.

The law is, as yet, unsettled.  We generally accept that a citizen can film police.  Indeed, in my last ten years of police work, I not only assumed, but took comfort in the knowledge that my actions were being recorded.  I never had any problem with being recorded, but then I am a First Amendment absolutist.

What I did have problems with are people getting in the way.  If I'm working a scene and someone wants to film, that's fine.  No problem, stay out of the way and film to your hearts content. Just don't get in my way.  What I do not want is some bozo leaning over my shoulder trying to get a better camera angle.  If you are in the way, I'll tell you to move, but I'll only tell you once.

Louisiana Law makes it illegal to interfere with a law enforcement officer while conducting official duties.  What the "citizen journalist" needs to understand is that the police decide who is interfering, not the citizen.  If I tell you to move, you have been warned.

Again, I don't care if you film, just don't get in the way.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Biden Backtracks on Israel

 Joe Biden said yesterday that he would not send munitions' to Israel of the type used offensive operations.

Biden, in an interview with CNN on Wednesday, said that the U.S. was still committed to Israel’s defense and would supply Iron Dome rocket interceptors and other defensive arms but that if Israel goes into Rafah, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used.”

Biden acknowledged that “civilians have been killed in Gaza” by the type of heavy bombs that the U.S. has been supplying -- his first validation of what administration critics have been loudly protesting, even if he still stopped short of taking responsibility. His threat to hold up artillery shells expanded on earlier revelations that the U.S. was going to pause a shipment of heavy bombs.

Hamas must be decisively defeated.  Eradicated. The fact that Hamas hides behind the civil population should have no bearing on the  prosecution of the war.  If Hamas wanted to protect its citizens, it could.  Hamas does not want to protect the civilians.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Fridays With Frank

Frank is a traffic cop in Arizona,  He has a YouTube channel that deals with the motoring public.  With 37 years as a police officer, I sympathize with Frank.,  In this episode, he is dealing with impaired driving. Impaired driving of the THC variety.

It's interesting what the cops do these days for THC impairment.  Back in my day, we'd get a urine screen.

Wednesday Mowing

We were busy yesterday entertaining Belle's older brother on the auspicious occasion of his birthday.  

This morning, I'm meeting a friend at the church and we're going to do some mowing.

The news hasn't changed much lately. We're in the middle of an election and the Trump trial is proceeding apace. I did learn yesterday that my  youngest son is at a Firearm Instructors Course so that he can be a police trainer in New Mexico.  That's good news.

Looking at the clock, I see it is time to travel toward the church.  I'll try to catch up with y'all later.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Cheese Steak

 My take on the cheese steak sammich, kind of like that place on the east coast with the Liberty Bell.

Find a nice flank steak and slice it thin.  I then slice the other way, cutting it into small cubes.  Likewise, chop an onion and a bell pepper.  In a medium skillet, melt a pat of butter and drop your steak.  Salt and pepper.  When the meat is about halfway done, add the onion and pepper.  Continue to stir it around until the steak is done and the onion is translucent.  Turn off the fire and add a layer to provolone cheese to the top, letting it melt into the mix.

Serve on a nice po'boy roll.  It's what's for lunch.

Weather Monday

 Awoke this morning to fog on the back porch. Mild temps, no breeze.  Still, foggy air.  Went inside with my coffee and sat down at the computer.  Clicked on weather.  It's going to be humid today.  No shit, I can literally see the water hanging in the air.

Checked the extended weather while I was there.  It's probably going to rain one day this week.

The weather-weenies are on top of it this morning.  Lots of radar and computer simulations, and it's going to be humid in Louisiana, and it may rain this week.  That's news, right there.  I bet they went to college to get those mad skills.  In other news, it will get dark tonight.

Saturday, May 04, 2024


Okay, so Denver has a water problem.  A supply issue.  So, the Denver water department got together an put together a video to educate the public.

I have two sons running water districts.  I'll have to ask them what they think of this.

Friday, May 03, 2024


 I was planning to set a fence post this morning, but when I got back from the lumber yard, the bottom dropped out.  It's supposed to slack up closer to noon, so I might be able to get it done today.  Or not.  We'll see.  Nearly 20 years ago, I built a privacy fence around the back yard.  The standard at that time was to use metal posts.  Over the years, they have blown down during hurricanes, or rotted off at the base, and I've replaced them one at a time with 4X4 treated posts.

I really want to get this post in the ground, but I'm not willing to stand out in a thunderstorm swinging a post hole digger.

Belle says that she is hungry for crawfish today, and she will go to the boiler at noon to buy a few pounds.  I'm sitting in the shop, listening to the rain on the roof, and that may be my main activity, at least for the next few hours.

**UPDATE**  That job is done and the post is set.  I had the opportunity to teach my grandson how to use a post hole digger.  That is a skill every man should have. With the rain we had yesterday and today, the water table was high, and every time he would drop the tool into the hole, he got a splash of mud in his face.  Very instructive.  When he goes out tonight, he'll be freshly showered.