Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Dingy Pirates

Fox News is reporting that San Francisco is experiencing a surge of small boat pirates.  These goblins load up in small boats and prey on larger, more luxurious vessels.

Piracy is an ancient occupation.  It's been around for centuries, and there is generally one proven method of dealing with it.  Kill or capture the bastards.  Those captured should be hanged, publicly, either from a convenient yardarm or at the waters edge.  I would suggest that whatever authority runs the port there to immediately construct a gallows.


Termite said...

It's San Francisco, home to "progressive" prosecutors. They may side with the pirates.

Better to just shoot them, wrap the bodies in chain, and sink them.

dturtleman said...

There are sixgill- and seven-gill shark s in San Fransisco Bay; feed them.

Glypto Dropem said...

I never go out on the water unarmed, even on local waters in my 12' kayak.

Attack me and you will be fish food.

Dave said...

California no longer has the death penalty.

There are still Coast Guard station at Alameda and Yerba Buena Island, however. That's the Feds, and they still have the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

It was a Louisiana maxim that a thief "tried to steal more chain than he could swim away with".
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

thats why my guns are stainless steel.

Anonymous said...

No rules apply to dealing with pirates. By definition they are the enemies of the world. Hostis humani generis. Any theft by force done on water is piracy.