Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 Belle is in the hopital recovering from surgery.  She's doing welll, thank you, and should get released tomorrow.  But, they have these doors that make me laugh.

It's a regular sized door, with a half sized door, and they did that so that they can get a bed in the door without too much gymnastics.  But, they make me laugh because they're not really  a French door, just sort of a half-assed French door.  So, I call them Cajun doors because they aren't really French, just sort of half-assed French.  


Old NFO said...

Snort... Makes ya wonder, doesn't it?

Bart said...

The "door choice" is between a 48 inch wide door or two doors in a 36-40 inch plus a 16 inch combination, to allow gurneys, and especially rolling hospital beds, easier access. I've seen both in the same hospital.

I wonder what the people who use the doors - the staff - think is best.

BobF said...

Hey, lighten up on those Cajuns. After all, they were the ones with the navigational skills to make it all the way to Louisiana. The rest got lost somewhere inland between Maine and Massachusetts and are still looking for the coast.

They pronounce the surname "Guy" to rhyme with "my" and would have made the two parts horizontal at least on the first try. :-)