Saturday, December 21, 2019


I am reminded that today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.  It's also the first day of winter.  Tomorrow, the day will be a little longer and the sun will climb a little higher in the sky.

Ancient peoples put great faith in the winter solstice, making it a day of celebration and worship.  Today, it is simply an interesting astronomical event.  It mask the changing of the season.

As for myself, I'm going to finish this cup of coffee and get ready for a family event at noon.  Yesterday was exhausting for all sorts of reasons not elated to my birthday, and after that family event I'm going to come home and retreat into my sloth.  Tomorrow begins the Christmas celebration and I'm sure that we will be busy until that is over.


Judy said...

A birthday? Well, then, Happy Birthday and here's to many more healthy ones!

Old NFO said...

Happy birthday Paw!