Thursday, April 04, 2019

My Platform

People are starting to ask about my platform, and it's fairly simple.  Basically a continuation of all the leadership and management skills that I have learned over the years, both as a police officer and an Army officer.

That about sums it up.  It's what I intend to do.


Storyteller said...

Boy, I sure wish I could vote for you. Hell, I wish I could work for you.

Pawpaw said...

The history of the department goes back a long way, all the way to the Sandbar Fight, where Jim Bowie slayed Norris Wright, who was then the sitting Sheriff of Rapides Parish. Bowie was involved in land speculation near here and thought it wise to decamp to Texas, where he got involved in another fight that didn't go so well for him.

Old NFO said...

Simple and direct. All the better!