Wednesday, June 27, 2018

No Thumbs!

One of the things I don't do well, is paint.  I'm a three-coat painter.  One on the wall, one on me, one on the floor.  Belle has learned this, and doesn't ask me to paint.  I'll stand-by as a helper, but I don't weild a brush or roller.  It's better that way.

The dog likes to help, too, but he's got no thumbs.  He can't hold a roller, either, and his fur carries paint like a nappy roller.  Yet, the dog wants to be where Belle is, so what do you do with a dog who is  determined to be under-foot?

Put him in the sink.  He can superintend just fine from this vantage point.

He looks like he's in a lot of distress, doesn't he?


The Displaced Louisiana Guy said...

I found the pic of Beau in the sink amusing. I showed it to Ely, and he laughed and said "Pawpaw's kitchen is Beau-Dog approved!"

Old NFO said...

LOL, roll the dog in the paint, and let him go... :-) Not that I've ever had a dog do that... sigh

John in Philly said...

Very early in our marriage my wife asked me to help her paint.
After I demonstrated Navy Style painting she asked me to stop helping and never paint again.
What is Navy Style painting you ask?
Dip the roller into a five gallon bucket of paint.
Leave all the paint on the roller.
Roll the paint onto the surface so fast that a huge amount of paint leaves the roller and makes a huge mess.
When the surface is covered, tell the Chief you are finished and go on liberty.

JayNola said...

Runs don't rust!!