Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Gumbo

I talked yesterday about turkey gumbo, and I thought I'd share with you a picture of my cooking apparatus.

Yep, that's a standard turkey fryer and that pot is full of gumbo. Gumbo can be cooked all in one pot, or it can be assembled, like a kit. I assembled this one, first having cooked a huge roux on the stove inside. I de-boned all the turkey, boiled the carcass for stock. sauteed the vegetables, sliced the sausage, then realized that I didn't have a pot in the house that would hold it all. So, I took out my turkey fryer and assembled the gumbo in the turkey fryer pot.

Then, I got it to a slow simmer and let all those flavors mingle and combine for several hours. The pot weighed close to forty pounds. That's a lot of gumbo.

I never got a head-count, but I'm sure I served over 40 people last night. We fed them well, with gumbo, a big salad, and iced tea. Some folks brought desserts. After everyone left and we were putting away leftovers, I had just enough gumbo to fill a gallon tupperware container. It's in the fridge. We'll eat it this weekend.

Later this morning, we're going to Momma's where we'll feed those same 40 people. Momma puts on a huge spread for Thanksgiving, turkey, ham, brisket, and the table will groan from the weight of the side dishes. Momma has my sisters helping, and I provided the smoked turkeys. It's our traditional family Thanksgiving meal and I come from a huge family.

Afterwards, we'll repair to the pasture to shoot skeet with the nephews. I'll try to remember to take a camera.

1 comment:

Rich Jordan said...

Happy Thanksgiving, PawPaw. And thanks for continuing to share here.

We're doing the traditional roasted turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie... the house already smells wonderful.