...the most prominent of them, Mullah Mohammed Shah Adeli, Afghanistan should cut off relations with the United States. “Burning the Koran is an insult to Islam and those who committed it should be punished,” he said.Yeah, right. Burning the Koran is an insult to Islam, so lets destroy a compound halfway around the world and kill a bunch of people who didn't burn the Koran. Makes perfect sense to me.
Freedom of speech eludes some people. I may not like what you're saying, but if I try to kill you for saying it, you've got no freedom. I've got no freedom either. It's funny like that.
Is that idiot pastor culpable for the actions of a bunch of folks halfway around the world? No, it's not his fault that there are murderous thugs who kill people for burning a book. He tries to make the point that Islam is a violent religion, but that falls flat too. The actions of some mob no more make Islam a violent religion than his own actions make Christianity an idiot religion. If you link the one, then you've got to link them both.
Christians everywhere should disavow the antics of that idiot pastor. His book burning was needlessly hateful and served no useful purpose than to draw attention to his idiot brand of backward religion. Thinking people everywhere should condemn him. Likewise, the actions of a bunch of idiots halfway around the world should likewise be condemned by rational people. At this stage of the debate, I'm looking for a rational Muslim.
That preacher doesn't care how many people his act caused to die. He got what he wanted--lots of publicity, including the national news. He probably could hardly wait to open his mail the next few days and pull out cash and checks.
I sincerely doubt that there are any rational Muslims out there, as they never seem to speak up when something like this happens.
J said...
That preacher doesn't care how many people his act caused to die.
Point of order:
That preacher didn't cause those people to die, the goblins that killed them are to blame.
That said, the preacher is a shithead, and needs a swift kick in the ass.
As for rational Muslims, unfortunately they are afraid to speak up or act because they get labled as apostates, and then targeted themselves by the more radical Muslims.
My $.02 worth: any religion that can't tolerate any criticism at all is a religion that ain't worth spit.
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