Wednesday, July 15, 2009


As regular readers know, I married a daughter this past weekend. It was a lovely event that culminated months of planning, decorating, construction, and the joys, hopes and dreams of the young couple.

As the father of the bride I had certain obligations and my part would not have been possible without the aid and assistance of friends and family who loaned things like tables, chairs, cooking implements and other impedimenta that were important to the occasion. My enduring thanks to everyone who made the event possible.

The morning after the wedding I began returning those loaned items, one truck load at a time, beginning with tables and chairs that I borrowed from the church. Between the clean-up and the load-hauling, it has fairly consumed the past three days. This morning I finished the last of it with an errand I had promised my daughter.

As Morgan Freeman says so eloquently at the end of Robin Hood, "I have fulfilled my vow."

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