Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Rasmussen says that 38% of the people think that the stimulus plan will help the economy.

It's my experience that 38% of people don't have a clue about the economy and are economic idiots. The same folks that caused this mess (Pelosi, Reid, Franks, Dodd, Geithner, Obama, etc, et al.) are the ones fixing it. Or trying to fix it using socialism.

In other news, PawPaw is busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.


Old NFO said...

Agreed! Trade ya "my" cat herding job for yours... At least the kids will listen once in a while...

oyster said...

"The same folks that caused this mess Pelosi, Reid, Franks, Dodd, Geithner, Obama..."

You won't have to kick my butt, because I just laughed it off with that list of yours. That's pretty funny. No, strike that, it's very funny.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty much the same thing in everything. 1/3 of the relevant population don't have a clue and never will get one, 1/3 can tell the difference but it doesn't matter, and 1/3 can tell the difference and care about it. Politics or Pepsi, it's all the same.