Monday, July 31, 2006

That didn't last long

I see in this morning's Town Talk that Israel resumed air strikes after Hizbollah attacked an IDF tank. Evidently those guys just don't understand that a cease-fire works both ways.

It seems that the message got out to the residents, who Hizbollah lives among. If the civilians got the word, we can assume that the terrorists got it too.
By early afternoon Monday, roads from villages into the port city of Tyre and heading north along the coast were packed with thousands of refugees in pickup trucks and cars. With many of the main roads too shattered for use, cars drove on dirt side roads with white flags fluttering out windows or white sheets covering the roofs.
Getting out of harm's way seems prudent, indeed.

Hizbollah has no moral high-ground in this fight. They use reprensible tactics to attack the Israelis, both with rockets and on the ground. They hide behind civilians to further their goals. Captain Ed says it better than I could:
However, the world needs to temper their outrage over the accidental and collateral civilian deaths with a lot more outrage over the tactics of Israel's enemies. Hezbollah has from the opening momemts of this war targeted civilian populations on purpose, firing 2500 rockets at Israeli cities and displacing over 300,000 civilians in the process. They routinely position their fighters among civilian populations and dress them to blend into residential neighborhoods. Civilian deaths are not collateral damage in Hezbollah's strategy, but a key component of their battle plan.
The tactics of terrorists are despicable.


oyster said...

Broadly speaking, Terrorism is a tactic. Right?

Pawpaw said...

Yeah, oyster, if you want me to be technically precise, terrorism is a tactic. It is also a strategic posture.

I was employing the word in the common usage. I'm not a political scientist, but some I read have been saying lately that what we and the Israelis are fighting is fascism.

Anonymous said...

i agreed with your comments about the hezbollah strategy of hurting civilians and using them to further their goal.
I see a lot of this comment on the web, yet news stations (CNN,BBC,Reuters,AP), do not seem to see the truth in what you and others are saying.
Instead, these stations portray hezbollah as a poor social group, who is under unjust attack by the israely aggressor.
public opinion based on this point of view, is calling to "take israel off the map", in order to achieve world peace.
how can the people who see the tactics used by the terrorist, reach the public, and explain, as you are explaining, the terrorist tactics used by the hezbollah?
the "blog sites" only convince the convinced. how can you better reach the rest of the world?

Anonymous said...

When Palestine was a British Protectorate, the British called the
Stern Gang and other Jewish groups,
"terrorists." The term is a pejoritive
used by those who have the most military power to put down their opposition. The term is especially liked by aggressors and occupiers who want to give a bad name to freedom fighters. Ergo, the Israelis are the invaders and they name the freedom fighters, "terrorists."