Friday, September 20, 2024

We're Back

 Belle has family in Missouri, and we drove up last Sunday to visit with them.  I was basically unplugged from the intertubes for five days.  It was a good visit.  We got caught up with the kids, and the grandkids, and the great-grandkids.

When we go to Missouri, we take a little bit of Louisiana with us.  Belle makes etouffee at some point, and the Missouri bunch doesn't get much etouffee.

Here the youngest of the clan gets a taste of etouffee from her grandpa, Dan.  She loved it and ate nearly as much as Belle ate.  Belle made a big etouffee and we fed a dozen people or more.  No leftovers, but some of the clan took home go-bowls for lunch the next day.

We drove home yesterday.  Twelve hours travel time.  It was good to sleep in my own bed last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you’re back safe and sound, and glad you had fun with the family. Nothing better than that!