Wednesday, August 07, 2024


 I see that Kamala picked Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate.  

He claims to be a retired Army Sergeant Major, and while I generally have a lot of respect for the rank,  folks who served with him say that he bailed on his battalion, retiring early rather than deploying with them to Iraq.

He was the governor who let Minneapolis burn during the George Floyd debacle.

He was the governor who set up snitch lines to report neighbors during the pandemic.

He seems to be more "left" than Kamala.


glasslass said...

Pea's in a pod. Frankly I think they are both pod people.

T said...

Here's a couple of articles on Tim Walz:

Apparently he was promoted to CSM, pending attending SGM academy, which he did not complete. He was demoted back to MSg for retirement.

Old NFO said...

And a gun grabber to boot.

Anonymous said...

He bailed on his troops when they faced combat deployment. He’s yellow.


A&L said...

nuts in a shell

Anonymous said...

I'm curious why she chose him - was it because he's a kindred spirit, or because he is from a state they must hold?