Saturday, July 13, 2024

This Madness, This Cycle

Between normal day-to-day, and going to the doctor's office, I am struck by how weird this election cycle is getting.  It's so weird that even the Babylon Bee is stymied.

Every Republican I know wants Joe to stay in the race.  Popcorn sales are up, we're just watching the steady decline of a man who has won the Democrat nomination, fair and square.  Yet, there is an active coup d'état among the mainstream media, Hollywood, and some members of Congress.  It's stunning to watch.

Biden went through the primary process, say about it what you might, but he won the delegates.  He deserves the nomination.  Yet, they are actively plotting against him,   Trying to disenfranchise millions of voters who pulled the lever for Biden.  This is the party that tells us that democracy is at stake?

Trump, on the other hand, is simply sitting back, watching this unfold.  To paraphrase a great military mind, Never interrupt your opponent when he is destroying himself.

I really ned to run to the store and pick up some more popcorn.


Termite said...

Don't forget a lime, tonic water, and Bombay Sapphire gin.

Might as well act civilized, even if the DNC doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I know multiple large companies that are speeding up plans to use clean energy grants from the current administration on the assumption that Trump will cancel them when he gets in