Monday, July 22, 2024

Mad Scramble

 After Joe's cowardly letter from yesterday afternoon, the Dems are in a mad scramble to put together a ticket.  We haven't seen the President, for all we know, the coroner is working on him.  Just the letter.  The manly thing to do would be for Joe to show his pasty face and tell us he isn't running.  So far he is a no-show.

Whether or not Kamala is the pick is yet to be seen.  And who the VP pretender might be.  It's all up in the air.  We're hearing lots of stuff, and the news will shake out eventually.  This morning, the Democrat party is a sh*t show.

It won't be a Harris-Newsome ticket.  That pairing has the same constitutional trouble as a Trump-Rubio ticket.  No rational candidate would throw away that many electoral votes.  The news will change 30 times today, and will appear to be utter chaos.

Kamala is the safest bet.  Other wise they disenfranchise everyone who voted in the primary. Today the largest threat to democracy is the Democrat party itself.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, they have been boxed in by the groups they cater to. Kamala almost certainly can't win, but they can't pass over her because of her minority points.
Newsome is a white male from a state already in their pocket, with little support outside it, and so on...
I doubt they could win the election with anyone at this point, but I'm almost certain they can't win with a ticket led by Kamala.

Anonymous said...

They should bring back Anthony Weiner and Eric Holder. The Weiner/Holder ticket.

Old NFO said...

Chaos and karma for the win...LOL

Termite said...

I'm almost certain they can't win with a ticket led by Kamala.

I'm not so certain. There are still a lot of Never Trumper GOPers, and a lot of Independents who do not like Trump. A lot will depend on who Harris wants as her VP choice.
A Harris/Beshear might beat Trump, because of Beshear. A lot would depend on how JD Vance makes Beshear look during any debates.

Termite said...

Funny stuff